Update from Administrator – November 29, 2021
Hello Family and Friends of Valerie Manor
Covid Status Updates for Monday 11/29/21. We currently have 8 covid positive in our facility. This includes the original 6 with exposure from the community acquired positive resident originally identified, a new admission covid positive resident, and one newly identified resident. Our healthcare Partners from Griffin Health are testing all residents again today. In addition, after two rounds of testing, as of today all staff continue to be Negative. The exposed positive residents remain on Covid Isolation protocols per DPH and CDC guidelines, and all still remain in the single exposed unit. Group activities and Community Dining remain paused until we have gone 14 days with no new positive cases.
Many have inquired about visits in our center and leaves of absences as we go through the holiday season. Beginning last week, with health experts now warning of “waning immunity” and “break-through” cases, and the positivity rate in our areas on the rise, we do ask everyone to continue with caution and vigilance. We are clearly not out of the wood when it comes to COVID We remain concerned that home and visits into the community will increase the potential for exposure to our residents.
We need to be vigilant about protecting our loved ones and ensure proper social distancing, masking, and infection prevention protocols are followed, even outside our center.
Center Visits
Visitation remains open, following the guidance and recommendations of the CDC/DPH. While your vaccination is not required for visitation, we continue to strongly encourage vaccination for everyone and booster shots for those now eligible. All visitors are required to complete our COVID screening protocol, including temperature check and our questionnaire, and to wear a mask while in the center. We further ask that you proceed directly to your loved one’s room for your visit and not wander the center, to further reduce any potential exposure.
Community and Home Visits
If you would like to take your loved one home for a visit, we must inform you that any unvaccinated resident leaving, upon return, will be reviewed and may need to be placed on quarantine, per CDC and DPH recommendations. Family gatherings are generally with unmasked individuals as you are sharing a meal and we do not know who is and is not vaccinated, therefore this guidance is in place. Also, Some residents will not be able to have an outside leave due to medical reasons, please understand if the Doctor/APRN has limited their leaves of absence. You may contact them directly if you have any questions.
Vaccine and Booster Updates
We continue our Booster Clinic. Our Goal is to have all Boosters to those residents that have consented be given the booster by 12/15. 94% of our residents are fully vaccinated and of those approximately 60% now have received boosters as of today.
New Team members Welcome
Valerie Manor would like to welcome some new team members to the Family… Kim H. – Director of Nursing & Diane R. – Assistant Director of Nursing, we are pleased to have you aboard!
I hope you enjoy this holiday season with your families, and it is healthy and safe for everyone.
Craig Dumont