Weekly Update from Administrator – June 16, 2020
Our team and I hope this email finds you safe and healthy. As we prepare to celebrate National CNA Day this week, I would like to say a big “thank you” to all our staff for their hard work, dedication, and compassion for all of our residents during these trying times. We remain incredibly grateful for our entire dedicated team! Everyone is working hard, and their efforts do not go unnoticed.
Please remember that the perimeter visits must be pre-scheduled to ensure safe and healthy visits for you, the residents, and our staff. It also allows our team to ensure your loved one is available and ready for your visit to make the most of your time together. You can schedule a visit by calling 860-488-1008 or emailing us at recreation@valeriemanorhcc.com.
We are happy to report that we currently only have 1 positive resident in house who is currently asymptomatic. We have completed some recent swabs to be super vigilant but they have thankfully all come back negative.
On Monday June 1st, Governor Lamont ordered nursing home workers to be regularly tested for the coronavirus disease. We have been able to secure a contract with a vendor through the state and are currently waiting on final word for when ours will be initiated. The vendor has informed us that they can test as many as 30 staff members in a hour and will have results back to us in 24 hours, so this process should be completed rather rapidly.
As a reminder, our next “Town Hall” meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 18th at 2pm (call in number:888-721-8686; Guest Code: 714256#) . We encourage any residents and family members to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have about the care we are offering. Our commitment is to be as transparent as possible and work to address any issues that arise.
Thank you and please stay safe and healthy! Although the weather outside is becoming warmer and sunnier each day, it is important to remember that it is still necessary to be cautious and aware that the risks of COVID-19 are still present. As my emails start to become shorter and there are fewer things to update you on please let me know if there is anything specific you’d like me to address each week.
Thank you,