Update from Administrator – November 25, 2020

Update from Administrator – November 25, 2020

We continue to test all of our staff and residents  on a weekly basis.  We currently have both  residents and staff that have tested positive over the past week.   As the state’s positivity rate continues to climb, the state is directing nursing homes to test all residents  for COVID 19. This will identify any resident that has COVID-19, without any symptoms.  As always, we will alert you if your loved one tests positive.


The facility is following the guidance for proper cohorting of residents which leads to room changes for our residents.  While this is often an inconvenience, it is for the safety and benefit of all residents in the facility.


We will briefly hold our weekly Town Hall phone call tomorrow, November 25, 2020 at 2:00pm


Thank You and we will keep you updated.  Wishing you all a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving.

November 25, 2020 A Healthier Approach To Caring